Summer in brief

Our time in Europe is coming to a close, finally, I think. I guess I say this every year, but it feels much more final this time, as we’ve sent just about everything home as freight and are now traveling lightly and in luxury with the parents (Austin’s for one week, my mom for another) in Italy. I probably won’t blog about Italy so much because everyone knows all about Italy and it’s comfortable and beautiful and very much visited (which, honestly, I kind of need after Georgia). Traveling in a touristy area does present its problems, of course, like rude restaurant owners who tell you that you have to leave if you’re not going to spend more money and have more than just wine, long lines and pricey museums. As soon as I sort through the photos I’ll be posting about our summer adventures, hitch-hiking across the North of Spain and through Georgia…arrivederci!

~ by Allana on September 13, 2013.

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